Recover deleted files after Recycle Bin has been emptied or files were deleted while bypassing the Recycle Bin.Ultimate version: LiveCD upgraded to openSUSE 15.2: Linux Kernel 5.3, KDE 5.18.Ultimate version: Boot Disk upgraded to the latest WinPE based on Windows 10 build 2004.Latest Recovery Kernel includes improvements and bug fixes.Recovery software provides the ability to detect and recover files, volumes & disks lost due to deletion, formatting, physical damage, viruses & others… What’s new? Recovers NTFS, ReFS, FAT, exFAT, HFS+, XFS, JFS, UFS, Ext2/3/4, BtrFS.

Efficient & easy to use recovery tool for deleted or lost files, damaged or re-formatted volumes, even if your PC doesn’t boot.